Puppy Classes

Puppy Kindergarten

Puppy Kindergarten is an open-enrollment class designed for puppies who are in their socialization windows (8-16 weeks old). This class provides safe off-leash playtime opportunities and kickstarts training with age-appropriate exercises. Attending Kindergarten is one of the best things you can do for your young puppy - and the most fun!

Steps to enroll:

  1. Choose a class package.
    4 Classes - $195
    6 Classes - $285
    Attending 6 Puppy Kindergarten classes qualifies you to take the AKC STAR Puppy Test!

  2. Reserve your class times.
    Use the package code received upon purchase to save your spot in whichever class times works best for your schedule! You must finish all of your classes before your puppy turns 16 weeks old and completes their vaccines.


Puppy Prep Seminar

(Before or soon after your puppy comes home!)


What to expect when expecting (a puppy)! This workshop covers all of the puppy prep essentials so the whole family is ready for your new four-legged addition. You will learn the do's and don'ts of the perfect puppy raising space, how to create schedules that set everyone up for success, along with expert tips on potty training, puppy biting, home alone training, socialization and so much more.

This seminar is 90 minutes, takes place on Zoom or at our Clickstart Campus, and is for humans only! Please leave your pups at home.


Looking for the next level? Check out our Advanced Classes!