Give Yourself a Break (Set Yourself up for Success!)
Top 5 New Years Resolutions for You and Your Dog
Olivia Healylet them sniff, decompression walk, long line, long leash, nosework, ditchthebowl, ditch the bowl, enrichment, puzzle toy, set up for success, management, Give your dog a raise, train for joy, 2020, happy new year
Tips for a Stress-Free Howliday Season
Olivia Healyholiday, go say hi, party in the kitchen, leave it, training the family, dogs and holidays, thanksgiving, christmas, management, exercise, crate training
How Do You Manage?
The ABCs of Dog Training.
Olivia Healyabc, antecedent, consequence, behavior, learning theory, dog training, operant conditioning, behavior modification, punishment, reinforcement, management