Do I need to use a clicker?

Here at Clickstart Dog Training Academy, we are obviously fans of clicker training, (so much so that we included it in our name)! We get plenty of questions about clickers and clicker training from clients, so we want to address some common ones here.

1.      What is the purpose of the clicker?

Clickers are small noise-making devices that make a distinct “click!” sound when pressed. Trainers pair this sound with something the dog likes, usually food, and then click! whenever the dog performs the desired behavior to let them know “that was it!” To put it simply, clickers let the dog know exactly which behavior is being rewarded so they know what to repeat for us. They make communication crystal clear for humans and dogs so nobody gets frustrated or confused during training and we meet our goals faster!

2.      Do clickers actually work for every dog? (Really? Even “difficult” or “high-drive” dogs?)

Yes! Not only do clickers work for all breeds and temperaments of dogs, but for all species of animal! (In fact, our trainer Olivia clicker trains her cats and betta fish!) Did you know that tigers, badgers, orcas, and even snakes can be clicker trained? The zoological community has been using clicker training for decades with amazing success. Check out this video of rhinos, gorillas, and hyenas participating in their own medical care all thanks to clicker training. Even humans can benefit from clicker training, and organizations such as TAG Teach can implement it to help with everything from a child learning to tie their shoes, to a surgeon learning to tie off tubing in shoulder surgery. Some Clickstart Dog Training Academy trainers may even use it with you to hone your training skills!

3.      Do I have to use a clicker?

Nope! While the clicker is a helpful tool for teaching new behaviors quickly, clicker training is not just about the clicker itself.  Any kind of distinct sound can be used with the same underlying philosophy. So instead of using the clicker, you could use a whistle (like the zookeepers do in the video above), or a word like “yes!” Both approaches can achieve excellent success and results, though we do recommend the clicker as we find it is more recognizable to the dog and encourages more accurate timing. Plus, they’re inexpensive! You can buy a two-pack on Amazon for about $5 here .

4.      Will I need to have the clicker on me all the time, forever?

Fear not, you won’t have to have the clicker attached to your wrist for the rest of your life! Clickers are used when first teaching a new behavior to help the dog understand your criteria. You can also use your clicker and verbal marker (“yes!”) interchangeably with your dog so that just in case you don’t have a clicker on hand, you can still catch and reward good behavior!

Do you have any other questions about clicker training? Send us an email! Until then, happy clicking!


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