Educational Events

Pet CPR & First Aid

This 4.5 hour class with certified Pet Tech Instructor Cassie Pestana covers the correct Pet CPR technique, critical first aid skills, health care and wellness information for both dogs and cats. We will cover what to do in a variety of relevant emergency situations including bee stings, snake bites, heat stroke and more.

Additionally, the class includes Pet Tech’s PetSaver® 40-page handbook and upon successful completion, each participant will receive a certification card. 

Whether you're a pet professional or a pet guardian, sometimes the unexpected happens… Will you be prepared to take action when it does?

Puppy Prep Seminar

What to expect when expecting (a puppy)! This hands-on workshop covers all of the puppy prep essentials so the whole family is ready for your new four-legged addition. You will learn the do's and don'ts of the perfect puppy raising space, how to create schedules that set everyone up for success, along with expert tips on potty training, puppy biting, home alone training, socialization and so much more.

This seminar is 90 minutes, takes place at our Clickstart Campus, and is for humans only! Please leave your pups at home.

Living with Rattlesnakes Seminar

Hiking and adventuring during "snake season" can be stressful for dog guardians, but it doesn't have to be!

Building off the work of experts in the fields of animal behavior, cognition, and wildlife ecology, our program offers an alternative to traditional aversive rattlesnake training. In this two hour seminar, we will cover:

  • Rattlesnake behavior and ethology

  • "Snake-proofing" yards and homes

  • Trail safety (for dogs and humans!)

  • Critical dog training skills for snake country

  • Creative training setups for wildlife avoidance

Seminars are available both in-person and virtually!