Clickstart Dog Training Academy

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Reactive Rover Recovery

Do you dread outings with your dog because they bark, lunge, whine or growl at dogs or people? Our extremely popular and comprehensive online course has helped pet parents all over the world support their dogs from reactive to relaxed.

The online class is LIVE and interactive, meaning you'll be able to ask questions in real time and work with your dog on camera to receive feedback. Working with your dog without triggers present first, will allow them to build a trusting relationship with training. They'll be able to work under threshold and practice exercises that will be critical to their success working in the presence of their triggers/stressors.

Age Range:

  • 4 months+


  • None! This class is the pre-req for all of our other services if your dog is reactive toward dogs, people, sounds or other.

Package Details:

  • 6 classes, 1.5 hours each - $250

  • All classes take place on Zoom

What We Cover:

  • Get to the root of your dog’s reactivity by exploring the function of the behavior.

  • Use effective positive reinforcement strategies to prevent and reduce reactive behaviors like whining, barking, lunging, and growling both in the home and on walks.

  • Read your dog’s subtle body language so you can train and socialize safely and productively.

  • Implement relaxation protocols to help soothe anxious or hyperactive behaviors.

  • Find safe and enjoyable ways to meet your dog’s unique enrichment and exercise needs without running into triggers.

  • Create meaningful behavior change with a comprehensive and science-backed approach. 

  • Introduce counter-conditioning exercises that will help your dog be successful when we begin in-person behavior consulting.

More Details


After each class, you will receive a follow-up email with the class recording, presentation materials, and step-by-step instructions for each exercise covered. This email will also contain links to additional resources, purchasable items, Clickstart’s supportive services and more.

Supportive Services

Each class comes with simple homework assignments that are designed to accelerate your progress. If you complete all 6 weeks of homework you will be reinforced with 20% off a Behavior Consulting package. This class and its homework assignments are designed to make in-person training easier and more immediately successful, which is a win-win-win for you, your trainer, and your dog!

Class Setup

Class begins with a LIVE 60 min. lecture and presentation, during which you’re welcome to interrupt with your questions. You will then have a chance to work on camera with your dog for immediate feedback to ensure you’re practicing the skills correctly throughout the week.

Trainer Qualifications

This class is taught by Clickstart's co-founder and certified Behavior Consultant, Cassie Pestana. Cassie received her bachelors in animal behavior and biology from Brown University back in 2015. She has since become a multi-certified dog trainer and behavior consultant who specializes in aggression, fear and reactivity. With 10 years of experience, Cassie knows what it takes to successfully work through complex emotional trauma.


If the upcoming schedules don’t work for you or if all spots are taken then click the link below! You’ll be notified of the next round.

See this form in the original post

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