Canine Essentials
We offer our popular Canine Essentials outdoor group training class through the cities of Lake Forest, Irvine, Aliso Viejo, Laguna Niguel, and San Clemente. At some point, we have to bring our dogs skills into the real world! Practice all of your dog’s essential cues in the presence of everyday distractions and challenges under the guidance of one of our experienced trainers.
This 6 week crash course covers our core curriculum in one of our scenic community parks. Enjoy the fresh air with your dog and learn how to keep your dog engaged around dogs, people, wildlife, and more!
Age Range:
6 months+
Middle or High School recommended
Package Details:
6 classes - $295
The 1st class is an orientation that takes place indoors (with no dogs)
The remaining classes take place in your designated outdoor park location
What We Cover:
Eye Contact
Sit & Down
Settle & Relaxation
Recall & Stay
Polite Greetings
Leave it
Loose Leash Walking
More Details
After each class, you will receive a follow-up email with step-by-step instructions for each exercise covered. This email will also contain links to additional resources, purchasable items, Clickstart’s supportive services and more.
Supportive Services
Once you’re enrolled in a group class, you’ll receive a discount on private training to help address your specific goals and unique challenges. We can meet in your home or in a public park of your choosing to troubleshoot your training.
Class set up
We set up class in the shade of a quiet area of the park. We use physical and visual barriers when necessary to separate teams and help your dog focus on you and their training.